Friday, August 19, 2005

A New Semester

Well I am getting ready for my second and last semester of the credential program. This semester i'm super excited because I already have my placement, have met with my master teacher and feel encouraged that this semester will be an improvement over last semester. Last semester's placement was not the greatest. Without going into too many details I simply felt out of place. This year's placement and master teacher have gone out of their way to make me feel comfortable and confident. School starts for us this Monday and I am already excited about the idea that I will have ninth graders. We have tried planning for our first two days, but unfortunately the copy machine is down and it looks like we won't have the materials we want on Monday, but we have a contingency plan. I hope that my enthusiasm lasts for what is going to be a long semester. I'm also excited that my master teacher is willing to let me experiment with using computers in the classroom. She admits to not being as computer literate as she would like to be, but hopes that my knowledge will help her.

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