Thursday, May 19, 2005

What I'm up to right now

Okay I really like this blogging thing, so for now i'm going to keep it up. Today I went to see Star Wars. I really enjoyed the movie. I was so excited I pulled my daughter out of school early to take her. There were a few parts that dragged, but overall it was worth the wait. I was suprised by the ending even though I knew what was going to happen. That's a strange thing. I knew the outcome but not the actual events that led up to the rise of Lord Vader.

Now what's next for this weekend. Well tomorrow is graduation and I'm really excited about that. I'm especially excited because my cousin is coming tomorrow and I didn't expect anyone from my family other than my mom and daughter. I can't believe that there is only three weeks left in school, for student teaching. I'll be glad when that is done and I can sleep in. That is something I haven't done in awhile.

1 comment:

little meanie said...

Hi Norma, Congratulations on graduation. What are you going to do now? Have you applied for jobs? I'm very curious about the whole certificate process. I've got two semesters to go because I'm in the part time program.
My son and his wife are so excited to see the new Star Wars movie, they keep singing the theme music. Have a great summer, Lisa