Saturday, April 16, 2005

Art and Technology

I think that technology helps in writing novels, plays and short stories. Those three creative processes need computers. I like writing on paper in my kitchen, but for something that is longer than twenty pages I use my computer. I like the messiness that I create on lined paper, but when it comes time to edit I like the neatness of computer paper. I guess i'm strange. With my writing process I will usually just start writing and when I hit a block I go and type up what I've written. Usually typing will help me to go back to the kitchen and write some more. I go back and forth like this the whole time. The only writing process that I think might be inhibitted by computers is poetry. Poetry, which I can't write, seems to be more creative and thoughtful, so I think the computer may hinder the process. I picture poets struggling over words and lines crossing out what they think doesn't work for something that may work and then returning back to their origial idea.

On to my week. This week has been pretty good. Although, yesterday my students were acting out. I spent too much time having to ask them for their attention. We were taking a spelling test and there was talking and walking around. This was unusual because my kids are usually well behaved. I almost made an example of a student by threatening to send him to the counselors office after that they quieted down. But then they started up again. We were supposed to finish watching a movie, but my master teacher stepped in and decided that we were going to continue working on grammar. The kids were upset but they had taken up thirty minutes of class time doing a spelling test.

We are still working on grammar and I have yet to figure out how to make it interesting. I search for lesson plans, but most lesson plans have to do with literature. I have found a few sites for grammar, but I think that they can best be used for mini-quizzes to check formastery. The one I like the most is This has the answers to all of the mini-lessons so I figure this is good way to test competency.


Ms. Comardo said...

I feel the same way about grammar. I hated it in school. I did not love it in college, but I did understand it better because I had a good teacher (Mr. Justice). I recently just gave a grammar lesson and the kids had a lot of fun with it. It was for an ESL class, and I went to Rubistar (18 online tools). It had a lot of resources for other sites and cutting and putting together I came up with some great worksheets. Another way to make it a little more interesting is to have to students make up their own examples, using hobbies, or activities that they like. In my class we just covered past and present verb use. I had a lot of active learning. I think that this is important, especially with grammar, because if you just lecture the students are going to fall asleep. I think that if you keep looking on the web, you will find something that you can make interesting. Good luck!

Ms. Comardo said...
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