Thursday, May 19, 2005

What I'm up to right now

Okay I really like this blogging thing, so for now i'm going to keep it up. Today I went to see Star Wars. I really enjoyed the movie. I was so excited I pulled my daughter out of school early to take her. There were a few parts that dragged, but overall it was worth the wait. I was suprised by the ending even though I knew what was going to happen. That's a strange thing. I knew the outcome but not the actual events that led up to the rise of Lord Vader.

Now what's next for this weekend. Well tomorrow is graduation and I'm really excited about that. I'm especially excited because my cousin is coming tomorrow and I didn't expect anyone from my family other than my mom and daughter. I can't believe that there is only three weeks left in school, for student teaching. I'll be glad when that is done and I can sleep in. That is something I haven't done in awhile.

Friday, May 06, 2005

My daughter's interest

Okay I finally managed to figure out exactly what my daughter does on her computer. Her and her friends often frequent the neopet website. Since they are getting older they are moving on to other things. This is a website that she has at I know the reason why she likes it is because she's a huge fan of anime. Now I think this site also caters to adults, but from what I can tell, the posting that goes on is just between her and a few of her friends from school. This made me wonder how many of our students that have access to computers at home frequent different sites that cater to a variety of tastes. I sometimes check out fan fiction sites. But for the most part I stick with simple sites that are related to teaching.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

My posts

Okay I think all my posts are great ;-p You should read all of them. No just kidding. I think my top five are:
1. 4-27 "A New View of My Students"
2.4-08 "My first Week of Actual Teaching"
3. 3-14 "Digital Natives"
4. 4-17 "Grammar"
5. 5-04 "Television"

I have replied on almost everyone's blog. My personal favorite has been Meanster's Ball. She is too funny. I haven't used one of my posts to directly comment on anyone's blog, so I don't know if I failed on that part. I didn't do that because I think it is rude. Don't ask me why because I couldn't explain it. Overall I like blogging. It's a great place to vent. Once we are done with this class I plan on continuing it so that I have some place to complain.

RE: Television

Growing up I watched alot of television. I grew up in the eighties. Television was so different than what it is today. I loved Happy Days, Laverne and Shirley, I Love Lucy, Gidget and the Munsters. This was a regular line up on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. I'm an only child and generally I like to be by myself. I think I have social issues. As for today, there is not that much television that I watch. I love 24, George Lopez, One Tree Hill (am ashamed to admit that one), and ER. Oh let me not forget the original CSI. I also watch A&E, HGTV and the Food Network. You'll notice I only watch serial television not that reality crap. I hate the voyeuristic feeling of reality television. I can't believe what some people are willing to do for a little bit of fame.

When it comes to movies I'm just as picky. I like horror, action, comedy, drama and everything else, but they have to have a plot or character development. I hate movies that are easily funny. The ones that use the common jokes or gross out jokes. For whatever reason they just don't work for me. So what was the last good movie I saw Saw. That was an interesting movie. I like to be surprised. I hate predictability. I think that is the problem with movies. I went to go see Guess Who, which I did not choose, for me it was too predictable. It was similar to Meet the Parents. I am usually disappointed with movies, so I don't really bother with them. Except for the next Star Wars movie. Yes, I am a fan of that franchise. I can't wait. I plan on going to the midnight showing because it is fun to see that movie with other fanatics.

As for how to incorporate this medium into the classroom, I'm not sure. I know that some shows make allusions to other things. Take Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I am a proud fan of that show. I think that it is amazing how on occasion you will find elements of literature in that show. My favorite quote was from season five when they are referencing Shakespeare's Henry V. I think with some shows you can show the connection to literature. Another great medium is music. I love Tupac. I know alot of my students like him as well. What I wonder about is how many of my students realize that he was a voracious reader. Do they know that he made allusions to novels and movies? Do they even understand what he is talking about? I think if you clean up some of his lyrics, his songs can be an excellent way to teach poetry, or better yet buy his poetry book. I think if given the chance we can find ways to make a connection from these mediums into the classroom. It will make it possible for students to understand some connections easier than the classical stuff that we tend to like.