Sunday, March 06, 2005

Replying to the prompt and other things....

First, I have to say that the only reading habit that I have acquired since entering the internet is reading fan fictions. It is amazing how some people are so creative that they take their favorite characters from books, television shows or movies and continue the story or create new stories. I read the news on the internet more often than I would from the newspaper or by watching television. The only other way that the internet has affected my reading is by recommending books. Had it not been for a few people on one of my favorite sites, I might not have read Harry Potter. The recomendations often come in handy when I've hit a wall on what to read. I visit sites because of a common like, so most sites can recommend books that I would enjoy. For me reading will always be important. I would rather lie on a bed, or sit on a couch with my Dr. Pepper on the side and a book in my hand. I don't like sitting in front of a computer to read novels. I can't get comfortable in front of a computer. I still need to feel a book in my hands that I can easily pick up and move to another spot in my house when I am being bothered.

I don't know if my students read less or more because of the internet. I have only been at my school for two weeks and am amazed at how well behaved my students are. This scares me because I think it gives me a false sense of security. I was placed in a really nice school in Rancho San Diego, far away from the area were I was originally supposed to go. I worry about expecting this type of behavior and then for my second placement getting a rude awakening when I wind up in a different school with a completely different behavior. I figure if I keep this in mind and don't expect perfect behavior, then I won't be suprised and upset. Not that i'm giving up on this expectation of a calm classroom, but more of giving myself a realistic idea that not all classes are the same.

On a side note, I found this website,, that had interesting advice for student teachers. One thing I found that might be the most helpful is compiling a working portfolio that student teachers might use when they go on interviews for their first jobs.

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