Saturday, January 20, 2007

Keeping up

Right now I'm feeling overwhelmed. With no classroom in site it is becoming harder to keep up with what I need to do and easier to procrastinate. One problem with no classroom is feeling like an intruder. I often feel like I am invading someone's space. While I feel bad for myself, I also feel bad for the other teachers who do not get their classroom to themselves. Nearly all the teachers have been supportive, but I can't shake the feeling that i'm a guest. There is a saying that my mom has told me in spanish, but here it is in English "Guests like the dead begin to smell after a few days." I like the saying that is how i'm beginning to feel.
I start the masters program soon, and while i'm excited i'm also wondering what in the world i'm doing. I let my friend/colleague talk me into doing the program. The program is supposed to work in conjunction with BTSA, but as i'm already behind in BTSA i'm wondering what i'm doing.
Kids they're great. Most of my kids are wonderful. I laughingly call them heathens, but realisticly it is a heather world that they live in. They are great. Many of them offer to help me when they see me trucking along with my cart. Some don't even ask. Instead they grab my cart and ask where i'm going. I do have the exception of having a few kids that I just shake my head at and think I won't have them next year. But the other kids make the day enjoyable. I have realized I have a good day if someone makes me laugh. So long as I can laugh I don't get discouraged of all the issues surrounding this education business.
I keep telling me self to hang in there for the long haul and I know I will but traveling is difficul.