Wednesday, July 26, 2006

First Interview Down

Well I had my first job interview yesterday and surprisingly I wasn't very nervous and it went well. I wasn't nervous because I was annoyed that my interview started later than the appointed time. I had to wait a half hour. The room that I was waiting in didn't have air conditioning and in the San Fernando Valley it was over a hundred. I wanted to just scream "if I had been late I'd have been written off." But I need the job more than I need to tell people off for making me wait in the heat. Of course it really wasn't their fault. I don't think they had been notified that I was there. And the department chair thought I was a student. I have to go back for a second interview in which they are going to watch me teach an hour long lesson that is supposed to be engaging. I'm a little scared. I think it's hard to be engaging with students you don't know. It's like the first day. I'm having a hard time deciding what to do. Help!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

First Job Interview

Okay I am going on my first job interview this Tuesday in Los Angeles. I'm really excited and nervous and worried about how I will come off. The school is a distingueshed school and the only comprehensive high school in LAUSD to be named so. I worry that it will be difficult as a new hire to have anything worth while to bring to the school. I also worry about not interviewing well. I have been trying to think of a decent lesson plan shich showcases my sensitivity to multi-cultural population but i'm blanking. I'm blanking on everything. My grandparents are excited though. My grandfather has already driven by the school to go check it out. Isn't he cute? Well wish me luck! Any i'll post later how it went, and if I got it.